Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics Back Lever Progression

Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics Back Lever Progression

Calisthenics, the art of using one’s own body weight for resistance training, shows a wide range of impressive skills that push beyond the limits of physical fitness. The back lever is one of these amazing calisthenics skill, an example of extraordinary strength, balance, and beautiful body control that never fails to impress both fans and…

One Arm Handstand: A Journey of Strength and Balance

One Arm Handstand: A Journey of Strength and Balance

The one arm handstand or say one handed handstand is an incredible skill of strength, balance, and concentration that has fascinated both fitness enthusiasts and acrobats. Many people are ready to take on the challenge of learning this amazing technique, thanks to its growing popularity on social media and in the fitness world. We will…

The Ultimate Handstand Push Up Progression Guide

The Ultimate Handstand Push Up Progression Guide

Handstand push-ups are an incredible exercise that combines strength, balance, and control. This exercise activity incorporates the benefits of handstands and push-ups, targeting not just your shoulders and triceps but also engaging your core, offering an overall upper-body workout. Mastering handstand push-ups, on the other hand, requires mindful progression and dedication. We’ll bring you through a detailed…

The Ultimate Planche Progression Manual

The Ultimate Planche Progression Manual

The planche is a great calisthenics move that embodies strength, balance, and control. In this article, we will delve into the world of planche progression, breaking down the journey from mastering foundational exercises to achieving the elusive full planche hold. Whether you’re an experienced calisthenics enthusiast or a beginner to bodyweight training, understanding the steps…

Calisthenics Front Lever Progression: From Tuck to Full Lever

Calisthenics Front Lever Progression: From Tuck to Full Lever

Calisthenics, the art of using your body weight as resistance to build strength and skill, has captivated fitness enthusiasts worldwide. One of the most impressive and challenging moves in the calisthenics repertoire is the Front Lever. This advanced bodyweight skill requires immense upper body and core strength, as well as exceptional body control. In this…

A Complete Muscle Up Progression Guide

A Complete Muscle Up Progression Guide

The muscle-up, which combines a pull-up and a dip into one seamless motion, is the advanced form of bodyweight strength and gymnastic movements. It involves coordination and technique in along with strength. Learning how to perform the muscle-up can be extremely satisfying, whether you’re an aspiring gymnast, a calisthenics athelet, or you just want to add…